Friday, July 15, 2005

Our Trip in a Nut-Shell

The Slums: 3 days in a slum called Mtumba (meaning second hand clothing) with Kenyans who have been labeled “second hand people.” 15,000 people living in 10 acres of sheet-metal shacks, human feces, typhoid, and AIDS, with no food, jobs, or hope. But God is bringing hope! We pray the resource center we built will be a vessel He can use to spread the gospel, job training, and vision. Shine Jesus amidst the darkness!

Ilula Village: A joyous time working at the ELI training center and Children’s Home. We built the all-time coolest playground for the 90 orphans there, and I fell in love with the children and staff. These children are being raised in the Lord and have the most incredible love, faith, joy, and trust in our God that I’ve ever seen. What moments of joy I experienced walking them to school, worshipping with them, and playing paddy-cake.

KipKaren Village: A heartbreaking week seeing the hopelessness and devastation caused by aids, hunger, and alcoholism. But God is bringing hope and healing through the ELI home-based care team. How blessed I was to sit in the homes of widows, orphans, and AIDS patients, singing “God is so Good.” With smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes, these people sing, give, and live for God with all their heart. They taught me what true worship is


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