Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Mourning Into Dancing

"Susie receiving her loan!"

I have to update you on what God’s been doing in the lives of our Samaritan Women! They each received a loan on August 9th, and so far their businesses are going well. One is selling material, another ground nuts, another kerosene, and others chickens. I praise God for these businesses and the freedom they are bringing!
But more than the businesses, I praise God for the transformation He’s doing in these ladies’ hearts. He has truly set them free and has given them a new reason to live. They are growing in their relationship with Him and are reading and memorizing His word every week. For Rose with her bad eyes, this has meant asking a little girl next door to read a Bible verse to her and then saying it over and over again until she’s memorized it.
One week, some friends of mine brought dancing ribbons that we gave to the women. We put on worship music and danced for an hour together in worship to our King. Truly, God has turned their mourning into dancing! The women loved the morning and asked me to come dance with them in their homes before I left. I visited them the day before I left, and what a special morning we had! There wasn’t room to dance in their little shacks, so we took our ribbons and danced in the streets of the slum area, singing praise to God with all our hearts. Drunks staggered through the area, neighbors came to stare, but the women didn’t care. When people asked what we were doing, they just smiled and said, ‘We’re worshipping our God!”


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