Knowing His Heart
As I sat pondering this thing called trust one day this summer, I asked God, “Lord, why is it that after walking with you for over 20 years, I still have so much trouble trusting you with certain areas of my life?”
“It’s because you don’t fully know and believe my heart for you, Beloved,” came the gentle response. “You will never fully trust someone if you don’t know their heart and intentions towards you. So ask to know my heart for you - I want to share it with you. And once you begin to truly know my heart for you, you won’t be able to keep yourself from trusting me - it will be so natural.”
I asked Him to share His heart with me that day and share He did! As I sat before His feet that afternoon in my hut, I heard my Lord speak 15 aspects of His heart to me. Things like, “My heart longs for my joy to be in you and for your joy to be complete. My heart longs for you to experience life to the full. My heart towards you is generous and I delight in giving you the desires of your heart.”
As I wrote them down that day, I knew I needed to spend some extended time soaking in each of these truths, meditating on scriptures about them, and letting my understanding of them move from a head knowledge to a heart knowledge.
So that’s exactly what I’ve been doing these past few months. I’ve been plopping on my porch in the morning with a candle and cup of tea and letting the Holy Spirit speak to me about the incredible heart of our God. And as He reveals these truths to my spirit, I close my eyes and just type.
But the thing is, the more I type, the more I’m realizing that these words aren’t for me alone. They are words for all of God’s children. They are words of life that He wants to share with others. So, even though I didn’t plan this at all, I believe I just started writing a book! For now, I’m continuing to listen and write and am trusting Him to lead each future step in the process as it comes. It’s a bit of a daunting and intimidating adventure, but one that I’m excited to embark on with The Ever Faithful One at my side.
I’ll keep you updated, but for now, can I encourage you to ask God to share His heart with YOU also? He wants to. He really does. And trust me, when you begin to get a glimpse of it, it will change everything!
"Grant me, O Lord, to know and understand whether first to call upon You or to praise You, whether firs to know You or to appeal to You. But who can summon You without knowing You? For He who does not know You may call upon You as someone You are not. By Your mercy; O Lord, my God, tell me what You are to me. "Say to my soul, "I am your salvation."" Speak that I may hear. Behold, the ears of my heart are before You, O Lord. Open them and say to my soul, "I am your salvation." I will hasten after the sound of Your voice and will take hold of You. Do not hide Your face from me. Even if it kills me, let me see Your face. If not, I will surely die."
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