Thursday, February 15, 2007

Speaking up for the children in the "hallway" of Sudan

"David, we love you as we love the Lord,” 200 high schoolers chanted at the chapel where I was speaking. I had them say it again as I challenged them to look at his picture on the screen and to see Jesus in his face. “David, we love you as we love the Lord!” I shared some of the lessons from my summer: learning to see Jesus in the face of each person I passed, and then learning to respond to them the way I would respond to Jesus. I pray that as these students now raise money to help us feed, educate, and care for our orphans in Sudan, that they will truly give as if Jesus Himself was in need. For one day I know they will hear Him say, “Thank you Beloved. I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I needed text books, and you sacrificed so I could learn to read. For whatever you did for David, you did for me. Welcome to my Father’s Kingdom.”


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